Fellowship Groups & Leadership Roles

Eight O'Clock Circle

The Ladies Eight O’Clock Circle was originally formed in the 1950’s to create a social time for ladies to get together outside of church. They currently meet at the homes of different members at 7 pm on the first Wednesday of months September through June. The meetings are lead with inspirational readings, crafts, and games. Through the years, this group has baked Fastnachts, held yard sales, and put on small skits and fashion shows to raise money to help pay for fixtures in our church and to give to organizations in need including the Collinsville Library, Camp Donegal, Presbyterian Flood Relief, Mason Dixon Food Locker, and Habitat for Humanity. Additionally, the Ladies host a Santa Breakfast every Christmas season for the members of our congregation and local families. 


Contact Information

Sueann Workinger (sueann.workinger@gmail.com)

Men's Brotherhood

The Men's Brotherhood began in 1952 under the guidance of Rev. Dunlap. These men of our church are loyal and dedicated to service of the Church and the brotherhood of man. Each year they farm the "Lord's" Acre (approx. 7 Ac. of the church property, using the proceeds to carry out good deeds like helping local families in need and donating to various charities and to the world mission of the Heifer Project. They also contribute to the needs of our church and sponsor the gospel bluegrass music for our Rural Life Sunday service each year on the first Sunday in June. All men of the church are a part of the Brotherhood which meets on an 'on call' basis after church whenever a need arises.



Gene Kilgore (genekilgore@hotmail.com)

Youth Group

The Youth Group is an active part of Chanceford's congregation that was created for kids grades 7-12 to make friends and have fun while worshiping God. The youth meet throughout the year for activities including softball games with other community youth groups, lasertag, camping, visiting amusement parks, and snowtubing. Every year the youth participates in several mission projects such as the 30-Hour Famine and the Mason Dixon CROP Walk.



Penny Snyder (davidsnyder11@verizon.net)

Church Choir

The choir sings a variety of music from traditional church music in four part harmony, gospel (a favorite), folk music, to contemporary anthems. New members, both adults and teenagers alike, are always welcome! Rehearsals are normally held on Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm at the church beginning after Labor Day and running until after Memorial Day. We are a very congenial group and enjoy several social events during the season. Our mission is to enrich the church service and to sing to the glory of God.



Sueann Workinger (sueann.workinger@gmail.com)


The Session consists of six elders, the pastor as moderator and presently a non-voting elder who is serving as the Clerk. The Session is the ruling body of the congregation which is responsible for governing the congregation, making sure that provision is made for regular worship including the administration of the Sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, the spiritual nurture of its members, and ministry to and in the community in which the congregation resides. All financial responsibility ultimately belongs to the session, although certain responsibilities may be delegated to others such as a board of deacons and/or a board of trustees. 



Doug Kilgore (dougkilgoremff@gmail.com) or Kevin Clark (kfc1956@gmail.com)


As delegated by the Session, the Board of Trustees at Chanceford Presbyterian Church provides oversight for all matters pertaining to the building and grounds. There are six trustees on the board. Once a year the Session and the Trustees meet to create the budget for the following year, with final approval belonging to the Session. 



Ken Witmer 

Cemetery Association

The Chanceford Cemetery Association was chartered and incorporated on May 1, 1950 to provide perpetual care and maintenance of the cemetery as well as the building and property. The Association land consists of 7 acres including the cemetery and the "Old Church". Members include any lot owners in the cemetery or their heirs or successors and the trustees of the corporation. An annual business meeting is held each year in the old church building. 



Bob Jordan (jcf@cplx.net)